“ Prayer in congregation is superior to prayer alone by twenty seven degrees.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
Come perform 5-Daily Salawaat
Come Learn and Share Community Life! Every Sunday at 1pm – 2pm, join us for an interactive learning session.
And every 4th Sunday we host Community Ta’leem & Potluck Dinner 1pm – 3pm.
Arabic Class
So have We made the (Qur’an) easy in thine own tongue, that with it thou mayest give Glad Tidings to the righteous, and warnings to people given to contention. Holy Quran 19:97
Come Study, Learn & Grow With Us Every Sunday, Arabic Classes for All Levels 12noon-1pm
Into to Islam (Sisters Only)
New to Islam? Need to learn to pray and perform Wudu? Have questions about Islam?
Every Monday at 6pm an introduction to Islam is held for sisters. Come with an open heart and ready to learn.
Contact Nura Goodson at 404-259-3470 prior to attending to confirm attendance.
Tajweed Class (By Phone)
Every Sunday morning at 6:30am Imam Tajjidin Muwwakkil teaches a Tajweed Class by Phone. Learn proper pronoucation of the Holy Qur’an, Reading(Word-by-Word) With Tarteel – The Rules of Tajweed & Grammar. Memorize Suras, Du’a, and special prayer.
Conference Call Phone Number: (213) 342-3000 code:79179
Ma'idah Feeding
And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive. ~Holy Quran 76:8~
Every 4th Saturday from 10am-12pm join us as we prepare a meal and distribute it to our sick and shut in community members.
For more info call Sister Saleemah Sabreen at 678-755-4111
Help us reach our goal
“Never will you attain righteousness until you spend
[in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend
– indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.”